We are Cycling Again: Light the Trail Bike Ride 2022
Year after year we are faced with the harrowing reality of suicide across our country. The statistics are staggering yet can seem disconnected from our personal journeys--until they are not, that is why The Jordan Elizabeth Harris Foundation’s mission does its best to shine light upon a dark topic. Our mission is to prevent suicide, eliminate the stigma surrounding mental health and suicide, and to provide hope to people struggling with depression. We envision a world without suicide or depression but know there are efforts and many conversations that need to be made to do so. We need to connect with one another to help one another.
Since its founding in 2014 The Jordan Elizabeth Harris Foundation has fought to eradicate suicide by funding depression research, creating awareness through education, and battling the stifling stigma. Now, the Foundation is taking that mission on the road.
We will Light the Trail for those struggling in darkness by cycling from the Canadian border to the Gulf of Mexico. Along the way we will educate communities about depression and suicide awareness, and we’ll encourage those we meet to share their experiences facing the disorder. The over 1800-mile trek will begin in Lake Itasca, MN and will follow the Mississippi River down to New Orleans, LA.
The Light the Trail teams will blaze a new trail of hope with intention at every step of its cycling journey. At each stop along the way we hope to educate, inspire, and encourage discussion about this issue with those we encounter, and to light the way toward a future free of depression and suicide. Suicide prevention and mental health awareness is an initiative-taking effort to raise awareness of suicidal behaviors as well as reducing social stigmas and ambiguity, by bringing attention to suicide statistically and sociologically, as well as encouraging positive dialogue and engagement to prevent suicide.
We will stop at 14 cities along the route to speak to others who want to help with our mission and to share their own stories and stories about their loved ones. Those we visit with are sure to help US with this mission as much as we can help them. These outreach and educational events will be casual and open to anyone wanting to join us in this vitally important discussion. We will offer some tools to use with those in need of help including how to identify potential warning signs.
Over a million Americans attempt to end their life annually yet still there exists a pervasive stigma surrounding the topic of depression, an issue that faces all the nation's diverse demographics.
The age-adjusted suicide rate in 2020 was 13.48 per 100,000 individuals.
The rate of suicide is highest in middle-aged white men.
In 2020, men died by suicide 3.88x more than women.
On average, there are 130 suicides per day.
White males accounted for 69.68% of suicide deaths in 2020.
In 2020, firearms accounted for 52.83% of all suicide deaths.
93% of adults surveyed in the U.S. think suicide can be prevented.
Please help make the Light the Trail ride a success by following us on Facebook and Instagram, donating today, meeting us along the ride route, and sharing your #Ride4s.
Together we can make a difference.