YOU are a critical part of our mission.

The Jordan Elizabeth Harris Foundation is 100% donor funded. Whether you are making a one-time donation or setting up a recurring gift, we deeply appreciate your support.
Donate by Text or by Phone
Donate by Mail
Mail a check to:
The Jordan Elizabeth Harris Foundation
2830 S. Hulen Street, #139
Fort Worth, TX 76109
EIN: 46-5708450
Honor a Loved One
Make a donation to honor a loved one or in remembrance of someone. Click the DONATE ONLINE button above!
Gifts of Stock
Gifts of stock or mutual funds are an easy way to support suicide prevention and depression research. A gift of appreciated securities may provide tax benefits through a charitable tax deduction, as well as through the elimination of capital gains taxes.
Leave a Legacy through Planned Giving
Consider becoming a member of The Jordan Elizabeth Harris Legacy Society by making an estate intention that will benefit suicide prevention and depression research in the years to come. Qualifying gifts include: a bequest in your will, naming The Foundation as a beneficiary of your life insurance policy, retirement account, or charitable trusts.
Have Your Gift Matched
Many companies provide philanthropic support by matching your gift. If your company does provide matching gift support, you may need our Employer Identification Number (EIN) for the form, that number is 46-5708450.
The Jordan Elizabeth Harris Foundation is a nonprofit, tax-exempt, 501(c)(3) charitable organization.
EIN: 46-5708450 Contributions may be deductible for income tax purposes as provided by law. Please consult your tax advisor. For further information about supporting The Jordan Elizabeth Harris Foundation, please contact the development department: c.streebin@jehfoundationfw.org