You can be the light.

If you have people in your life who may be struggling with depression or thoughts of suicide, The Jordan Elizabeth Harris Foundation is here to help you, help them. With easy-to-access trainings, you can be prepared to bring this conversation to light in your own life. 

We provide training for a variety of audiences to equip you with the skills to step in and save a life. 

Training Programs

Hope Squad

We’re on a mission to change the culture of how kids seek help in schools with our Hope Squad initiative. This school-based peer support program empowers students to take action to prevent suicide. Nominated by classmates as trustworthy peers, Hope Squad members serve as the eyes and ears of the school and report to adults any student who seems to be struggling or at-risk for suicide. Advisors train Hope Squad members on how to identify at-risk students, provide friendship, and seek help from an adult. We’re proud to facilitate over 100 Hope Squads across Tarrant County and beyond.

QPR in the Workplace

As one of our workplace training options, Workplace QPR is a suicide prevention training that equips coworkers with actionable, simple steps to ask someone about their mental health. We seek to understand your unique mental health resources, organizational structure and processes, and then teach a suicide prevention training that takes the burden of “knowing what to say” off your team. After training is complete, we’ll continue working with you to ensure your organization is prepared to address mental health in the workplace. 

Let’s Taco Bout QPR

Starting the conversation about preventing suicide can be tough. That’s why we make it friendly and easy to access, going into local communities for Taco Tuesday and giving this free suicide prevention training. Let’s Taco ‘Bout QPR shows that you can give every person the confidence and competence to help someone at risk for suicide. We’ve trained over 35,000 people - and given out a serious amount of tacos!

YAM (Youth Aware of Mental Health):

Youth Aware of Mental Health (YAM) is an interactive program for adolescents focused on mental health awareness, suicide prevention, and developing problem-solving skills and emotional intelligence. Through five interactive sessions, role-playing, and classroom materials, YAM fosters open discussions and a blend of cognitive, emotional, and experiential learning. It covers key topics such as mental health awareness, self-help strategies, managing stress and crises, recognizing depression and suicidal thoughts, helping friends in need, and knowing where to seek advice.

Speak Life

The Speak Life platform was created in response to growing suicide rates, especially rates in Black/ African American Community. Research shows Black teens were more likely to attempt suicide than their Asian, Latino, and White counterparts.

Since the inception of The Jordan Elizabeth Harris Foundation, our call to the city of Fort Worth and the surrounding communities has been to start this important conversation which is what we intend to continue with the Speak Life platform. Many have the misconception that talking about suicide will cause people to consider suicide, but research suggests that talking or asking about suicide can be lifesaving. 

The Speak Life QPR breakfast offers the opportunity for every person in the community to gain the confidence and competence to help someone at risk for suicide by learning 3 important steps, QPR- - Asking the right questions, persuading the person to get help, and making an appropriate referral to a mental health professional. 

Soul Shop

What does it mean to be soul-safe? How do you cultivate a soul-safe culture within your faith-based organization or congregation? Answer these questions with Soul Shop™ for Leaders, a one-day workshop designed for clergy, staff, lay pastors, faith-based clinicians, and those in faith-based organizations to develop soul-safe communities by equipping members and leaders to address suicide as a regular aspect of their life and work. You’ll learn about the creation of worship resources, training congregation members in suicide awareness and basic conversation skills, and how to extend the invitation to those who have been suicidal in the past to share their stories. 

Need a program designed specifically for your community?

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